FAQ - Perguntas Frequentes

Quando o game ficará Online ? / When the game will be online?


Quando o servidor tiver 100% pronto para jogar, iremos fazer o sorteio do Closed Beta... Após o Sorteio os que tiverem no Closed iram receber as datas... o Oficial Iniciará 2 semanas depois do termino do Closed  Beta.


When the server has 100% ready to play, we'll do the draw for the Closed Beta ... After the draw in those who have shall go to receive Closed dates ... Officer shall open two weeks after the end of Closed Beta.




When the server has 100% ready to play, we'll do the draw for the Closed Beta ... After the draw in those who have shall go to receive Closed dates ... Officer shall open two weeks after the end of Closed Beta.
When the server has 100% ready to play, we'll do the draw for the Closed Beta ... After the draw in Those Who Shall have to go receive Closed dates ... Officer Shall open two weeks after the end of Closed Beta.